People affected by hearing loss often find it difficult to recognize and accept it. In most cases hearing loss develops over a long period of time. Therefore, it often takes a while before the symptoms are identified.
Are any of the following situations familiar to you? Please check the boxes for the situations that apply. (if you have more than 3 signs, we strongly encourage you to get your hearing tested)
- I sometimes feel that people are not speaking clearly (mumbling).
- When people address me from behind or from a few feet away, I have difficulty understanding them.
- I feel tired or even a little irritated after a long conversation.
- Sometimes I have to ask people to repeat themselves because I did not hear what they said to me.
- In situations with a high noise level, e.g. in restaurants, on the train, or at parties, I have difficulty understanding other people.
- I find it hard to hear birds singing, footsteps, running water, and other soft everyday sounds.
- I sometimes fail to hear the doorbell or telephone.
- I have trouble talking over the phone.
- I turn the television or radio up louder than other people. When someone else controls the volume, I have problems understanding.
- Other people have told me that I don't hear well.